DISCIPLE: O God Save us All
O God Save Us All
Singer Kevin Young is quickly closing in on 20 years of metal ministry as Disciple. Gone are any nu metal trappings, as well as former band members Tim and Brad, but his younger band has found a cohesive sound and yet still sounds like Disciple.
The album hits hard with heavy rockers like “Outlaws,” the title track, “Unstoppable,” the punk guitar-fueled “The One” and “Kings,” which brings to mind Rob Zombie, tempered by the trio of songs “Once and For All,” “Someday” and “Draw the Line,” which sound like they were made for rock radio. (As an aside, why do all Christian radio stations play whiny pop music and adult CCM? As Twisted Sister used to say- I wanna rock!)
Hard to classify, much like their peers Project 86, yet O God Save Us All shows a band that is biblically-based and ready to bring the rock. Recommended.
[indie] Chris Gatto.