Industry Spotlight: Vision of God Records

I’m always on the hunt for great metal music and in the past couple years I’ve noticed
This new start up record label Vision of God Records concentrating on the extreme end of metal and gotten excited about some of the bands they are producing. As I found myself buying more music from the label, I started talking to the label owner Duane Keith, and wanted to showcase some of the things the label is doing.
Chris Gatto- Introduce yourself and tell us a little about your mission at Vision of God Records.
Vision of God Records- Hello, I’m Duane 42 years old. 5 kids. married (sorry ladies.)
(CG- noted that we are both the same age, with lots of kids and each with a special needs child.)
VOG- I Love God and love metal of all genres and subgenres. mainly into the more extreme end…black metal, death metal, grindcore.
God and my family and ministry are my life. with 5 kids and a wife (and a dog that acts like he is 1 of my kids lol.)
I don’t have much “me” time (which u have to allow to happen as a proper parent).
When there is, I’m writing music and lyrics for a few projects that I will be recording.
Many don’t know… I did a mainstream label before and had been in a fairly well known band.
Our mission here is to bring forth the proceeding word of God thru metal music.
Since many metal heads may never step into a church, this is a great evangelizing tool,
and what God wanted for me to do with the rest of my days here on earth.
CG- What bands are/were you in?
VOG- I have 3 projects. really not sure if I’m gonna announce I’m in them
CG- How and when did you start the label?
VOG- For exact date of facebook page opening, I’d have to look at facebook.
It was approx. 8 or 9 months after the page opened.
We had put out the 1st cd True Warriors for Christ compilation.
That was in 2013.
Our sub label Christian Metal Underground Records started about 3 months ago.
CG- What attracted you to extreme metal music?
VOG- Ever since I heard Metallica when I was a child… I wanted it more extreme.
Then came Slayer. and as more bands came out, history was made for us all to hear.
CG- What is the difference between running a record label as a ministry vs. as a business model?
VOG- This is one of our hardest tasks, as we need money to continue, to help bands with studio to continue.
We do not lust after money and I’ve personally invested ALL of my money from work for the past year and a half.
We still promote and roll things out as professional as finances allow as the goal is to get the music out EVERYWHERE.
Worldwide shipping (with distribution hubs opening in other countries) and digital all over everywhere.
So in a lot of ways look wise, it may have that same model for professional sake.
We want things to be professional and take extreme brutal Christian metal to another level.
The heart of all this is ministry. The soul of this is to bring other souls to our Father.
It’s never considered business to us… as there is a mission.
CG- What have been some of your success stories with the ministry?
VOG- There are many angles of answers that can be applied to that question-
many things in the ministry.
Our ministry also consists of many other things we are doing.
My wife was running the little kids area at our church…
I became a teacher (as there was no one available to do it) with no previous experience.
For 2.5 years I taught every sunday (sometimes 2 times.)
I had developed a relationship and watched these kids grow in the Lord (including my son Barrett.)
Well fast forward.., new pastors came in. We had felt that the new pastoral staff should take over.
So during this transition of a new head of the children’s church area, I had taken a small teaching break.
We had been asked to come back on 1 time per month again. the kids had been asking for me.
Someone got sick and they needed someone to help, my wife went back…
She said they kept asking…Where is my Duane????
My turn to teach came up 2 weeks later. I played drums for worship, then went to teach the class.
When I walked in the 3 girls I had taught for these years… ran up to me hugging me and saying MY DUANE! MY DUANE!
My wife said they were non stop asking when I would walk in the door.
Knowing that I had made a impact on their life and they desired me to teach them still.
This touched me so much that I see in that success in so many levels.
Most of the others are now in the next level kids church in the annex. they always talk to me and joke with me.
Some of them come to me with problems and need advice. This is success to me as they are seeking counsel within the church.
I feel honored to be a part of these kids lives.
I look forward to my monthly teaching slot, and pick up ANY open slots (even at the last minute.)
CG- Who are some of the bands that you work with and what are some releases you have in the works now?
VOG- Holy Blood
Angel 7
This Divided World
Eyes of the Defiled
Ceremonial Sacred
to name a few… we have 16 releases as of today
Holy Blood, Antidemon, Demoniciduth releases are up next.
TENTATIVE dates (we’re always within 2 weeks on cds and merch for these dates)
Holy Blood- Glory To The Heroes cd 5.15.17
Antidemon- Demonicido reissue cd 6.10.17
Demoniciduth- Enemy of Satan cd/vinyl (hoping to know more at beginning of June…we will see) 6.30.17
(waiting on stuff from the band)
CG- How can those who share your passion help?
Prayer and financial support is NON stop needed to continue.
We take care of the bands’ contracts so we can help them do more.
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Thank u for your interview and support brother!!!
It’s much needed for this ministry to survive and PRAYING TO THRIVE.
blessings brother
God bless you. Duane Keith and Vision of God
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