TRYTAN: Lary Dean Song-By-Song

Trytan Blood of Kings with Lary Dean

I caught up with Lary for a couple sessions where we went through background stories, and an more in-depth examination of the lyrical content from the latest Trytan album, Blood of Kings. You’ll hear Lary tell the stories behind the inspiration of each song — a much more in-depth look than the little blurbs that accompany the release.

Let Lary bring new life to the background and meanings he was seeking to convey in each song, and if you do not already have this amazing new Trytan release, grab a copy today from Boones Overstock.

To break up this large amount of content, each song has been broken into its own separate video, and placed in a playlist on the NEW Heaven’s Metal YouTube channel (subscribe today) — so be sure to continue from track to track at your convenience. The last video is a bonus set of stories Lary felt a desire to share, so stick around for that one too.

We greatly appreciate the time Lary took to do this for all of the fans, and it really gives us a look into his heart’s desire to reach people with the message of Jesus Christ, and does so through the powerful music on this new album. After nearly 30 years of silence, Trytan is back with a vengeance, and more is coming as we learn in these videos.

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