The Midnight Wedding releases vampire-themed video for “Kill Me” on Halloween night

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE — The Midnight Wedding has released a music video for their current single “Kill Me” from their album Anthem for the Outcast. You can watch the music video now on YouTube.

The song itself takes on the topic of suicidal depression, the place where the pain feels so intense it seems like there’s no way out. For the music video, which is a follow-up to the video for “I Swear,” depression is portrayed as a soul-sucking vampire leeching the life out of the main character. The dark-versus-light internal conflict that lives in each one of us plays out in a visual style reminiscent of classic vampire films. Joel Burris directed the music video, which will soon have a sequel to round out a full music video trilogy.

Beyond the seasonally appropriate aesthetic, the song’s topic is one that is deeply personal to The Midnight Wedding’s co-leader, Brandon Trlak. “Depression is like being caught in a vampire’s embrace. It’s cold, scary, overwhelming, and completely draining,” the songwriter reflects. “Those who’ve attempted suicide or have lost the battle with this monster don’t want to die, they’re just desperate for the pain to end.”

It’s a story Brandon has lived. One day, he confessed to his wife and band co-leader Caitlin that if he didn’t talk about his struggle, it was going to kill him. In a writing session with Anthem for the Outcast album producer Josiah Prince, that moment was put to music.

“There is hope,” Brandon offers to anyone who is in a similar place. “Depression does not cause God to leave. Nothing does: no circumstance or situation, no sin or failing, no sadness or depression, not the opinions or thoughts of others. God does not run. And He will not run from you.”

“Kill Me” is currently available for adds and requests at radio. For more from The Midnight Wedding, be sure to find them on Spotify, Apple Music, Facebook and Instagram.

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