RESURRECTION BAND: Metal That Rocked Our World, Chapter 1

I had the privilege to chat with Resurrection Band frontman Glenn Kaiser about all things Resurrection Band. Like any true frontman, he had a lot to say and the interview seriously could have gone on for hours. In lieu of time and to make this first chapter of Heaven’s Metal: Metal That Rocked Our World readable, watchable and succinct, we capped this off at the one hour mark.

Grab your coffee and listen in as Glenn discusses the Resurrection Band discography, his memories of making music, having fun, and trying to keep the simple message of Jesus’ ministry front and center of his career.

Click here for the video version of this feature (cover) story. The print version of this multi-media article will be made available as a print-on-demand option soon (Lord willing). Perhaps it will be compiled into a paperback book in the future.

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