DECAYING MARTYR: Formed by Thomas Mong

Decaying Martyr is the new Death Metal side project from Thomas Mong, otherwise known as Thomas Dispraised of the Rottweiler Records punk rock band Dispraised.

“We consider ourselves to be a Death Metal, Thrash and Grind band that’s focus is centered on that old school metal feel that made your mother scared when she caught you listening to Deicide, Obituary or even Slayer and Anthrax.

“Decaying Martyr takes extreme metal back to a feel good time when bands were less interested in their social media numbers and more interested in how to create the fastest, meanest and scariest sounding metal that they could create.

“This debut single of ours “Unholy Cremation” is a very heavy old school death metal track that’s received high praises from members of other respected Death Metal and Black Metal acts such as Broken Flesh, Frost Like Ashes and Consuming Fire who has all said that they love the track and are looking forward to more…” 



TikTok @decayingmartyr

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