Burial Extraction Unleashes New Single “Slain Lamb”
Available to Stream or Buy Now Through The Charon Collective    

The second single from Burial Extraction, “Slain Lamb,” couldn’t have been released on a more fitting day. Based on the story of the Passover found in Exodus, it’s a foreshadowing of the death of Jesus Christ on Good Friday as the sacrifice for our sins. This new track serves as another example of what to expect from the band’s full length album, “A Shadow Of Things To Come,” which comes out April 28th.

You can purchase and stream “Slain Lamb” from Burial Extraction right now here.  

Get more info about Burial Extraction and other bands and projects from The Charon Collective here.

Check out the official music video for “Slain Lamb” from Burial Extraction right now!


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