TOARN: Release Lament

Toarn “Lament” Available Now On CD And Vinyl
Limited Editions Released Through The Charon Collective    

Brace yourselves for the release of “Lament” from Toarn on CD! The four-piece hardcore juggernaut out of Seattle, WA has partnered with The Charon Collective to release the album in a physical form. Seven songs focus on concepts that strike at the heart of these burdensome days – from social consciousness to mental health and beyond. Focused on expressing spiritual and literal concepts that affirm people’s personal journeys, they believe in meeting them where they’re at.

You can purchase “Lament” from Toarn right now here.

Find your favorite streaming outlet to listen to the album right here.  

Get more info about Toarn and other bands and projects from The Charon Collective here.

Check out the official music video for “Absence” from Toarn right now!

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