ANTIDEMON: Enters Studio

Antidemon is hitting the studio this week for their BRAND NEW FULL LENGTH “Convergence”. This is a very long awaited release finally coming to fruition! It is our honor to be releasing this release! Vision of God Records has 1 week left to get the 2nd half of the payment to the studio for this release! ($1,250). We really need your support as these releases cost a lot to bring to you! We have come to a bit of a Jam and really need everyone’s support!! We have a steady set of releases coming and have this 1 to pay for, then we have the Extinction Of Baal Release to pay ($500 studio left plus pressing costs).

Please stop by and pre order this release or any of our upcoming releases. We still have all of our catalog in stock for you all as well!

13 vinyl releases still in stock (they are limited and will sell out), come grab 1 while you can!

We so THANK U for your support!!, & VERY VERY much need your support at this time!!!.. Please Purchase, Pray, Share, stream our stuff on major sites! Please continue to be with us as we continue to bring you the music you love and need in your life!


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