Minor Rockstar
(Thumper Punk Records)

Minor Rockstar is either an alternative rock band with punk tendencies or a punk rock band with alternative tendencies. They kind of fit in that vein of ‘slacker rock’ where bands like Weezer, Lit, later Green Day, and Wool reside comfortably. The band is essentially one man, Landon Cripe, who wrote all the songs and played all the instruments except for drums on “I Need to Love You” and “When I First Met You” handled by guest drummer Ronnie Winter (of Red Jumpsuit Apparatus). Wasted, a 5-song EP, is their debut release.

Although I affectionately refer to them as slacker rock, that’s not to suggest the musicianship is subpar, as we first notice on opening track “Wasted” which closes with a very tasteful guitar solo. “When I First Met You” follows the trend of simplistic alternative rock, but played and produced very well. Cripe’s understated vocals are adequate, and appropriate to the style. If I didn’t know any better, I’d probably guess this was released in the late 90s.

Track three changes things up a bit by adding a reggae flair on “I Need to Love You” and still manages to finish with melodic post-punk style guitar leads (probably the most metallic moment on the release). “Bummin Smokes” slows things down a bit and gives us more insight into the band’s lyrical approach across the EP:

I used to drink and smoke all of your stuff and I didn’t love
I didn’t care about you, myself, or anyone

While the lyrics certainly reflect a Christian faith, they are more testimonial than preachy. Cripe acknowledges a need for change (or repentance) in his life, praises godly relationships, and ponders what his life would have been like without God at the center. This is seen mostly clearly in the closing track, punk-romper “Narcoleptic.”

Many years spent going down the road that leads to my destruction
Couldn’t climb out of the hole that I found myself in that I created
Then I found the path that brings me to resurrection and self-reflection
And I sought help from the God that I didn’t believe in until that instance

The more I listen to this, the more impressed I am with the production, with suits the music perfectly. Recommended for fans of hard alternative rock, and poppy-yet-slackery almost punk “rawk.”

(my rating: 3.5 stars)

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2 thoughts on “MINOR ROCKSTAR: Wasted

  1. Great job, Loyd! I like your writing, your descriptions, and your insight. Thanks for sharing what you heard musically and lyrically. Especially appreciate the comparisons. Cheers, mate!

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