News: Sunshine Acres Benefit Compilation, Volumes 1 and 2, to raise money for Children’s Home in Mesa, Arizona
INBOX/Editorial/current NEWS Search for all messages with label INBOX/Editorial/current NEWS November 19, 2024. Santa Cruz,…
Thumper Punk Records
INBOX/Editorial/current NEWS Search for all messages with label INBOX/Editorial/current NEWS November 19, 2024. Santa Cruz,…
July 19, 2024, Santa Cruz, California. After a decade of chasing these zombies, Thumper Punk…
Dispraised – Off My Back (From upcoming Thumper Punk Records Release “Declining Hope and the…
P.J.F.See It Through(Thumper Punk Records)PJF stand for “Put Jesus First” and is the rock/metal side-project…
DurerBeyond the Firmament(Thumper Punk Records)This band was entirely unknown to me before this review, so…
DURER releases third EP “Beyond The Firmament” December 1, 2023. Visions Press and Thumper Punk…
Minor RockstarWasted(Thumper Punk Records) Minor Rockstar is either an alternative rock band with punk tendencies…
Minor Rockstar releases Wasted EP July 26, 2023, Santa Cruz, California. Thumper Punk Records is…
CPR317 releases “Great Memories: The Best of the CPR Years 2014-2022” featuring new tracks and…
Today marks the release of “Standing United with Tina”, a two volume music compilation to…