News: Trebuchet SDG releases Christmas EP ‘Lux Mundi’

Trebuchet SDG Releases Christmas EP “Lux Mundi”
“Quite possibly the best black metal artist to arrive in 2023”

Trébuchet SDG is delivering black metal fans a Christmas gift this holiday season! “Lux Mundi” is out now on limited edition CD via The Charon Collective. Three classic Christmas hymns are re-interpreted as if they were transported back in time to the Dark Ages.

Taking its inspiration from the medieval times, classical music, and the Scriptures, solo project Trébuchet SDG is headed up by multi-instrumentalist Josam.” Coming virtually out of nowhere, the talents of this gifted virtuoso couldn’t be contained for long. Website Blacforge calls Trébuchet SDG “quite possibly the best black metal artist to arrive in 2023.”

“Lux Mundi” from Trébuchet SDG is available to buy and stream via The Charon Collective right here.

It is also available on your favorite streaming outlets like Spotify, iTunes, Amazon, YouTube, and others.

Get more info about Trébuchet SDG and other bands and projects from The Charon Collective here.

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